
The children coming to Star of the Sea are indeed blessed as they have a wonderful environment in which to learn. Learning at Star of the Sea is done in a firm, yet relaxed atmosphere and the children make use of the seaside facilities across the road for environmental lessons, as well as using the swimming pool for physical education lessons.

Even though Grade 1 is a far cry from Grade 7, there is an educational bridge between the two. The Grade 7s come to the Grade 1s on a weekly basis to conduct literacy classes, which they call Book Buddies. In this way, a caring bond is established between the older and younger children. To keep up with the age of technology, the FP children go to computer lessons while Grade 4 to 7 receive weekly Coding lessons. Drama is offered to Grades 1 to 7.

The school is fully co-ed from Pre-School to Grade 7 and has many family groups of brothers and sisters in all classes. The Catholic Ethos is firmly upheld in the school and the children have daily R.E. classes. In those classes the children are also taught about other religions and how to respect them. At year end, at a special Carol Service, the children are encouraged to bring a toy and a tin of food for the poor, thus teaching them to care for the less privileged in the community. The legacy of loyalty at Star of the Sea is such that we have Past Pupils who have returned to work as teachers and Past Pupils who bring their own children to be learners at the school.