School Uniform

School uniform and appearance

Uniform: All learners must wear the prescribed uniform at all times. This applies not only to uniforms worn from day to day, but also to uniforms worn during extramural activities. Learners found wearing partial or incorrect uniforms, whether at school or not, will be subject to disciplinary action. Failure to adhere to the school’s dress code will result in the item of clothing, footwear or jewellery being confiscated and only handed back at the end  of that term.

The prescribed uniform for learners at Star of the Sea Convent School

Blue tunic
Short grey pants
Short sleeve white shirt
Short sleeve white shirt with school badge
Regulation blue school jersey
Regulation blue school jersey
Black school shoes
Black lace up shoes
Short white socks
Long grey socks
School blazer (from Grade 4)
School blazer (from Grade 4)
School sunhat
School sunhat
Blue tunic
Long grey pants
Long sleeve white shirt
Long sleeve white shirt with school badge
School tie
School tie
Regulation blue school jersey
Regulation blue school jersey
Black school shoes
Black lace up shoes
Long grey socks or thick grey tights
Long grey socks
School blazer (from Grade 4)
School blazer (from Grade 4)
School rain coat
School rain coat
Black/ White shorts
Black/ White shorts
Star T-shirt only
Star T-shirt only
Short white socks
Long grey socks
White running shoes / takkies
White running shoes / takkies
Black Speedo/ Arena/ “Second-skin” swimming costume
Black Speedo/ Arena/ “Second-skin” swimming costume
White cotton panties, full size
Navy tog bag NO OTHER COLOUR
Navy tog bag NO OTHER COLOUR

7.19 Hair for girls

7.19.1  Hair must be the natural colour. It may not be dyed, streaked, gelled or permed.
7.19.2  Braiding of hair is permitted. Learners may not have “spiky, bushy” hairstyles.
7.19.3  Any learner whose hair is longer than her collar must tie it up in one or two ponytails or plaits
(only one or two plaits), unless it is too short to plait.
7.19.4  Dreadlocks and/or extensions are not allowed.
7.19.5  Excessive and colourful hair accessories are not allowed. Only plain brown hair bands, elastics
and clips are permitted.

7.20   Hair for boys

7.20.1  Hair must be the natural colour. It may not be dyed, streaked or gelled. No dreadlocks are allowed.
7.20.2  A “number 2” cut is acceptable. No steps, “Mohican style”, hair in eyes, spikes, over the eyes or over collar
is permitted. Hair must be of an even-length over the entire surface of the head.
7.20.3  Only one week’s grace will be given to remedy transgressions of the above.
7.20.4  More serious infringements will result in a pupil being asked to leave school immediately in order to ensure
that his hair is returned to its natural colour.
7.20.5  Boys whose hair has been shaved/styled for cultural/religious reasons must submit a letter in this regard
to the Principal.

Civvies day dress

GIRLS                                                                        BOYS
No make-up                                                             No jewellery
No nail varnish                                                       Shoes are compulsory
No jewellery (school regulation earrings)   No gel in hair, or dyed hair
Hair to be tied up
No bare midriffs
No low cut tops
Shoes to be appropriate to the outing
Shorts and skirts to be of a length that is
appropriate and not too revealing