Religious education

Religious education holds a prime position among our teaching subjects throughout the school and every child is expected to participate fully in these classes.

The aim of our religious education programme is to help our learners discern, respond to, and be transformed by the presence of God in their lives and to work towards transforming the world in the light of this perception of our ever-present God.

It is primarily Catholic Christian and thus focuses on Jesus Christ as the great sacrament of God’s presence in the human history. On the other hand it is ecumenical and inclusive, recognizing the dignity and worth of all the world religions. We follow the Life-bound programme developed by the Catholic Institute of Education (CIE) in conjunction with the liturgical calendar.

Our Catholic Christian ethos finds expression in our daily school life through assemblies, the celebration of Masses and Para-liturgies, Sacred singing, Spiritual formation for the staff, daily prayers and outreach. Different Grades prepare the liturgy for weekly grade masses. The whole school attends mass at the start and end of each term.

Our School Chaplain is resident at the parish church, St James. He is very active in the life of the school, presiding over our Masses, hearing confessions, and visiting classes regularly. He also helps the grade 7’s with the concept of evolution by teaching it from a Christian perspective. He is always available and we appreciate his support.

Our Grade 3 children are prepared to receive the blessed sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion within the RE programme of the school.

The local Catholic Schools Office is a great support to us. They help to form our Religious Educators and are always willing to run workshops.